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Shy and giggling like amateurish lovers, we always whisper names of shameless Kenyans whose  fathers  and  mothers  stole  our  wealth  with  gusto  (are  still stealing even this very minute), killed those who dared to point an accusing finger at them, crippled those who walked shoulders high while denouncing their evil acts, and perhaps even threatened to slaughter your very own beloved grandmother.


Kenya  is  a  nation  of  ten  multi-billionaire  families  and slightly over Thirty Nine Million helpless beggars (Indeed, courtesy of the masses ear-splitting silence and aloofness). It is a country whose  systems  are  enshrined  in  shrewdness  and  massive  corrupt gestures; a Nation whose respectable leaders lies, kill and torture without a slight blink of an eye. Shy and giggling like amateurish lovers, we always whisper names of shameless Kenyans whose fathers and mothers stole our wealth with gusto (are still stealing even this very minute), killed those who dared to point an accusing finger at them, crippled those who walked shoulders high while denouncing their evil acts, and perhaps even threatened to slaughter your very own beloved grandmother!


Kenya is a nation of ten multi-billionaire families and slightly over Thirty Nine Million helpless beggars (Indeed, courtesy of the masses ear-splitting silence and aloofness). It is a country whose systems are enshrined in shrewdness and massive corrupt gestures; a Nation whose respectable leaders lies, kill and torture without a slight blink of an eye.

The Dirt and Filth of Kenyan Past, Today and Tomorrow

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